Results for 'Sayyid Afz̤al Ḥaidar'

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  1. Malfūẓāt-i Ḥaz̤rat Madnī: Maulānā Sayyid Ḥusain Aḥmad Madnī ke ʻilmī va siyāsī javāhir pāre.Sayyid Ḥusain Aḥmad Madnī - 1997 - Lāhaur: Makkī Dārulkutub. Edited by Abūlḥasan Bārahbankvī.
    Sayings of Sayyid Ḥusain Aḥmad Madnī, 1878-1957, Indian Muslim religious leader.
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  2. Belief ascription, metaphor, and intensional identification.Afzal Ballim, Yorick Wilks & John Barnden - 1991 - Cognitive Science 15 (1):133-171.
    This article discusses the extension of ViewGen, an algorithm derived for belief ascription, to the areas of intensional object identification and metaphor. ViewGen represents the beliefs of agents as explicit, partitioned proposition sets known as environments. Environments are convenient, even essential, for addressing important pragmatic issues of reasoning. The article concentrates on showing that the transformation of information in metaphors, intensional object identification, and ordinary, nonmetaphorical belief ascription can all be seen as different manifestations of a single environment-amalgamation process. The (...)
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    Cross-cultural perspectives on decision making regarding noninvasive prenatal testing: A comparative study of Lebanon and Quebec.Hazar Haidar, Meredith Vanstone, Anne-Marie Laberge, Gilles Bibeau, Labib Ghulmiyyah & Vardit Ravitsky - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (2):99-111.
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    International Bioethics Conferencing: “Can the Subaltern Speak?”.Hazar Haidar & Aliya Affdal - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):50-52.
    In their paper titled “Proposed Principles for International Bioethics Conferencing: Anti-Discriminatory, Global, and Inclusive,” Jecker et al. eloquently present essential principles for Internati...
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    Schwarzschild Black Hole Perturbed by a Force-Free Magnetic Field.Haidar Sheikhahmadi - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (4):1-12.
    We envisage a black hole perturbed by a force-free magnetic field outside and attempt to determine its structure. We suppose the metric that describes this black hole is of the static spherical type, that is Schwarzschild, and the energy–momentum tensor emanating from an FFMF source perturbs this background metric, in this regard one can imagine a magnetic accretion disk around the black hole. By solving the equations for such a configuration, we will show that in addition to modifying the diagonal (...)
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    The Script and text of Ibn Quzmān’s Dīwān: some giveaway secrets.J. A. Abu-Haidar - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (2):273-314.
    Basado enteramente en pruebas internas, este estudio se propone mostrar que el manuscrito único del Dīwān de Ibn Quzmān, publicado en edición facsímil por David de Gunzburg en 1896, es una copia dictada. Se indica también que el copista, a quien con frecuencia se ha culpado de introducir en el texto popular andaluz correcciones o clasicismos, no estaba bien equipado para desempeñar tal papel. Si bien era un calígrafo de primera categoría, se aducen pruebas de que su conocimiento del árabe (...)
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    Multiculturalism at Montclair State.Fawzia Afzal-Khan - 1993 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 11 (3):11-11.
  8.  32
    On Computation of Recently Defined Degree-Based Topological Indices of Some Families of Convex Polytopes via M-Polynomial.Deeba Afzal, Farkhanda Afzal, Mohammad Reza Farahani & Samia Ali - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    Topological indices are of incredible significance in the field of graph theory. Convex polytopes play a significant role both in various branches of mathematics and also in applied areas, most notably in linear programming. We have calculated some topological indices such as atom-bond connectivity index, geometric arithmetic index, K-Banhatti indices, and K-hyper-Banhatti indices and modified K-Banhatti indices from some families of convex polytopes through M-polynomials. The M-polynomials of the graphs provide us with a great help to calculate the topological indices (...)
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    Diskusi Pengalaman Religius.Haidar Bagir - 2011 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 1 (1):129.
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    Iuri Lotman: a análise da cultura segundo a perspectiva da complexidade e da transdiciplinaridade.Julieta Haidar - 2019 - Bakhtiniana 14 (4):103-120.
    ABSTRACT We have several objectives in this article. Firstly, we return to the category of semiosphere due to its dialectical and polysemic character, but we also introduce some reflections in order to analyze more complex cultural productions. In this same sense, the category of internal and external semiotic border allows us to present the cultural, intercultural, and transcultural translation problems that are articulated with the dynamic changes of every culture. Secondly, we examine the category of culture and articulate it with (...)
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    (1 other version)Rawls and Religion: Between the Decency and Justice of Reasonable Religious Regimes.Hamid Hadji Haidar - 2006 - Politics and Ethics Review 2 (1):62-78.
  12.  21
    Traducir lo Árabe: La Traducción como Herramienta Ideológica.Larosi Haidar - 2012 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 1 (1).
    Mediante el presente trabajo, se pretende hacer hincapié en aspectos más o menos subjetivos, más o menos arbitrarios, que de alguna manera determinaron la visión general y generalizada que tenía, y en parte sigue teniendo, Occidente, Nosotros, sobre Oriente, Ellos, los árabes. Esta visión, imagen más bien ficticia y creada no siempre de forma inocente, será la que configure las posturas y relaciones que hoy en día rigen el acercamiento entre las diferentes culturas. Un aspecto fundamental e imprescindible de esta (...)
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    Medical works of the medieval period from India and Central Asia.Mansura Haidar - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (2):27 - 43.
    Medical sciences have developed in India from time immemorial. This paper presents a detailed outlook of the development of these techniques in medieval India and Indo-Central Asia. The different authors, works and techniques of that time are recalled and compared in order to provide an overall view of this barely known tradition.
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    Noninvasive Prenatal Testing: Implications for Muslim Communities.Hazar Haidar, Vardit Rispler-Chaim, Anthony Hung, Subhashini Chandrasekharan & Vardit Ravitsky - 2015 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 6 (1):94-105.
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    Narcoculture? Narco-trafficking as a semiosphere of anticulture.Julieta Haidar & Eduardo Chávez Herrera - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (222):133-162.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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  16. Investigating Cognitive Load in Energy Network Control Rooms: Recommendations for Future Designs.Umair Afzal, Arnaud Prouzeau, Lee Lawrence, Tim Dwyer, Saikiranrao Bichinepally, Ariel Liebman & Sarah Goodwin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study analyzed and explored the cognitive load of Australian energy market operators managing one of the longest inter-connected electrical networks in the world. Each operator uses a workstation with seven screens in an active control room environment, with a large coordination screen to show information and enable collaboration between different control centers. Cognitive load was assessed during both training scenarios and regular control room operations via the integration of subjective and physiological measures. Eye-tracking glasses were also used to analyze (...)
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    Digital Simulacra Mark an Ontological Shift in Biomedicine with Far-Reaching Consequences for Real Patients.Hazar Haidar, Luyba Encheva & Kalina Kamenova - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):81-84.
    Cho and Martinez-Martin (2023) provide a thoughtful analysis of the epistemological and ethical implications of digital twin (DT) technology in biomedical research. However, they overlook the profo...
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    Critical Theory.Fawzia Afzal-Khan - 1989 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 4 (1):4-5.
  19.  39
    (1 other version)J.M. Coetzee's Foe as a Theoretical Model for Questioning Texts in the Classroom.Fawzia Afzal-Khan - 1990 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 6 (3):13-15.
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  20. Shah Wali Allah's Philosophy of Education.Mohammad Afzal - 2003 - National Institute of Historical and Cultural, Research, Centre of Excellence, Quaid-I-Azam University.
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    Viewpoint.Fawzia Afzal-Khan - 1988 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 2 (1):4-4.
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  22. Islaam the only way.Afzal Hoosen Elias (ed.) - 2003 - Karachi: Zam Zam Publishers.
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    Les ouvrages médicaux à l'époque médiévale en Inde et en Asie Centrale.Mansurah Haidar - 2007 - Diogène 218 (2):28-51.
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  24. Sign o'times: kaffirs and infidels fighting the ninth crusade.Bobby Sayyid - 1994 - In Ernesto Laclau (ed.), The making of political identities. New York: Verso. pp. 264--86.
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  25. Western democrats, oriental despots?S. Sayyid - 2014 - In Fred Reinhard Dallmayr, M. Akif Kayapınar & İsmail Yaylacı (eds.), Civilizations and world order: geopolitics and cultural difference. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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  26. Basic principles of the Islamic worldview.Sayyid Quṭb - 2006 - North Haledon, N.J.: Islamic Publications International. Edited by Rami David.
    Sayyid Qutb, executed in 1966 by the Egyptian government but still broadly influential today, was deeply convinced that Islam provides an ideal framework for all of human existence individual and social, political and economic, intellectual and spiritual. He believed equally that in all these various aspects the religion had been obscured or distorted by an influx of alien influences. In this, one of his most widely read works, he addresses himself to the task of retrieving what he regards as (...)
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    The Muwashshahat and the Kharjas tell their own story.Jareer A. Abu-Haidar, Ibn Baqi & Ihsan Abbas - 2005 - Al-Qantara 26 (1):43 - 98.
    Se ha dicho que para entender una literatura lo mejor es leer sus obras, y no lo que sobre ella se ha dicho o escrito. Este artículo, en cuatro partes, es un intento de estudiar las nuwashshahat y sus kharjas, basado solamente, dentro de lo posible, en los textos con los que contamos. El artículo llega a tres conclusiones, no del todo nuevas para mis lectores: 1. Si bien las nuwashshahat fueron producto de la tradición literaria clásica árabe, su desarrollo (...)
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  28. The muwashshahat: are they a mistery?J. A. Abu-Haidar - 1992 - Al-Qantara 13 (1):63-82.
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    Computation of the Complexity of Networks under Generalized Operations.Hafiz Usman Afzal, Muhammad Javaid, Ali Ovais & Md Nur Alam - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-20.
    The connected and acyclic components contained in a network are identified by the computation of its complexity, where complexity of a network refers to the total number of spanning trees present within. The article in hand deals with the enumeration of the complexity of various networks’ operations such as sum, product, difference K 2, n ⊖ K 2, and the conjunction of S n with K 2. All our computations have been concluded by implementation of the methods of linear algebra (...)
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    Faculty/Student Workshop on Multiculturalism.Fawzia Afzal-Khan & Theodora Jankowski - 1991 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 8 (2):8-11.
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    The dignity of parents: English translation of Azmath-e-Walidain.Sayyid Shāh Aʻẓam ʻAlī Qādirī - 2001 - Hyderabad: Syed Us Soofia Academy.
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  32. al-Baḥth al-balāghī ʻinda al-ʻArab: taʼṣīl wa-taqyīm.Shafīʻ Sayyid - 1987 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Fikr al-ʻArabī.
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  33. Jūrj Ṭarābīshī, rajul al-fikr wa-al-tanwīr: dirāsah wa-mukhtārāt.Ghassān Sayyid - 2021 - Dimashq: Wizārat al-Thaqāfah, al-Hayʼah al-ʻĀmmah al-Sūrīyah lil-Kitāb.
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    Allāh wa-al-ʻālam ʻinda al-Muʻtazilah.Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ Muḥammad Sayyid - 2022 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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  35. Ṣhażah da zhwand pah ḍagar ke.Maʻṣūmah Raz̤ā Sayyid - 2002 - Kābul: Majmaʻ-i Zanān-i Afghān.
    On the status of women in Muslim society with special reference to Afghanistan.
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  36. Sahl-i Iqbāl: yaʼnī Haz̤arat ʻUlāmah Iqbāl ke taṣvur k̲h̲ūdī par isrār k̲h̲ūdī aur ramūz be k̲h̲ūdī ke ḥavālī se āsān indāz men beḥash.Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah - 1969 - Lāhaur: Maktabah k̲h̲ayābān Adab.
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  37. Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan's educational philosophy: a documentary record.Sayyid Aḥmad K̲h̲ān - 1989 - Islamabad: National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research. Edited by Hafeez Malik.
    Letters, speeches, articles and memos written by a pioneer Muslim educationalist.
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    Contextualizing Counterintuitiveness: How Context Affects Comprehension and Memorability of Counterintuitive Concepts.M. Afzal Upala, Lauren O. Gonce, Ryan D. Tweney & D. Jason Slone - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (3):415-439.
    A number of anthropologists have argued that religious concepts are minimally counterintuitive and that this gives them mnemic advantages. This paper addresses the question of why people have the memory architecture that results in such concepts being more memorable than other types of concepts by pointing out the benefits of a memory structure that leads to better recall for minimally counterintuitive concepts and by showing how such benefits emerge in the real‐time processing of comprehending narratives such as folk tales. This (...)
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    On Computation of Entropy of Hex-Derived Network.Pingping Song, Haidar Ali, Muhammad Ahsan Binyamin, Bilal Ali & Jia-Bao Liu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-18.
    A graph’s entropy is a functional one, based on both the graph itself and the distribution of probability on its vertex set. In the theory of information, graph entropy has its origins. Hex-derived networks have a variety of important applications in medication store, hardware, and system administration. In this article, we discuss hex-derived network of type 1 and 2, written as HDN 1 n and HDN 2 n, respectively of order n. We also compute some degree-based entropies such as Randić, (...)
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    Investigating moral ideology, ethical beliefs, and moral intensity among consumers of Pakistan.Syed Afzal Moshadi Shah & Shehla Amjad - 2017 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 6 (2):153-187.
    The purpose of the study is to empirically examine moral ideology, ethical beliefs, and moral intensity in the context of Pakistan. Jones (Academy of Management Review, 16(2), 366–395, 1991) model and Muncy and Vitell (Journal of Business Research, 24, 297–311, 1992) have extensively been investigated and validated in west for examining ethical decision-making process. This study examines and validates these models in a collectivist cultural settings, i.e., Pakistan. A self-administered online survey technique using convenience sampling technique was used to gather (...)
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  41. Ak̲h̲ālaqiyāt par cand maz̤āmīn maʻ ashʻārulak̲h̲lāq.Sayyid Ashfāq ʻAlī - 1993 - Bhūpāl: Je. Bhārat Pablishing Hāʼūs.
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    al-Ṣuwar al-jamālīyah fī khalq al-kawn.Yāsir Muḥammad Maḥjūb Ḥamad Sayyid - 2013 - al-Kharṭūm: Jāmiʻat al-Kharṭūm, Madrasat al-ʻUlūm al-Idārīyah.
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    al-Mawqif al-naqdī li-mufakkirī al-ʻIrāq al-muʻāṣirīn min al-falsafah al-ḥadīthah: Muḥammad Bāqir al-Ṣadr anmūdhajan.Jabbār ʻAlī Sayyid - 2021 - Bayrūt: al-ʻĀrif lil-Maṭbūʻāt.
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    Islam and Knowledge.S. Sayyid - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):177-179.
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    Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ʻArabī: ārāʼuhu al-fiqhīyah wa-al-uṣūlīyah.Usāmah Shafīʻ Sayyid - 2022 - al-Haram, al-Jīzah: Markaz Turāth lil-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt.
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    The Configurations of Informal Institutions to Promote Men’s and Women’s Entrepreneurial Activities.Danish Junaid, Amit Yadav, Farman Afzal, Imran Ahmed Shah, Bharanidharan Shanmugam, Mirjam Jonkman, Sami Azam & Friso De Boer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    While previous studies have examined the impact of informal institutions to determine entrepreneurial activities, this paper explores the different configurational paths of informal institutions to promote men’s and women’s entrepreneurial activities across factor-driven and efficiency-driven economies. We collected data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor for 56 countries for the years 2008-2013 and employed fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis to conduct the empirical analysis. The results confirm that a single antecedent condition is unable to produce an outcome while combination of different conditions (...)
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    Design and Implementation of Novel LMI-Based Iterative Learning Robust Nonlinear Controller.Saleem Riaz, Hui Lin, Farkhanda Afzal & Ayesha Maqbool - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    An iterative learning robust fault-tolerant control algorithm is proposed for a class of uncertain discrete systems with repeated action with nonlinear and actuator faults. First, by defining an actuator fault coefficient matrix, we convert the iterative learning control system into an equivalent unknown nonlinear repetitive process model. Then, based on the mixed Lyapunov function approach, we describe the stability of the nonlinear repetitive mechanism on time and trial indices and have appropriate conditions for the repeated control system’s stability in terms (...)
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    From individual to social counterintuitiveness: how layers of innovation weave together to form multilayered tapestries of human cultures.M. Afzal Upal - 2011 - Mind and Society 10 (1):79-96.
    The emerging field of cognition and culture has had some success in explaining the spread of counterintuitive religious concepts around the world. However, researchers have been reluctant to extend its findings to explain the widespread occurrence of culturally counterintuitive ideas in general. This article develops a broader notion of social counterintuitiveness to include ideas that violate shared expectations of a group of people and argues that the notion of social counterintuitiveness is more crucial to explaining cultural success of surprising ideas (...)
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  49. Capacity mapping of national ethics committees in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.Alaa Abou-Zeid, Mohammad Afzal & Henry J. Silverman - 2009 - BMC Medical Ethics 10 (1):8.
    Ethics issues in the areas of science, technology and medicine have emerged during the last few decades. Many countries have responded by establishing ethics committees at the national level. Identification of National Ethics Committees (NECs) in the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) region and the extent of their functions and capacity would be helpful in developing capacity building programs that address the needs of these committees. Accordingly, we conducted a survey to determine the characteristics of existing NECs in the EM region.
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    National Engagement in Canadian Bioethics: Insights from the CBS-SCB 2023 Workshop and Community Forum.Victoria Seavilleklein, Amanda Porter & Hazar Haidar - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (2-3):1-3.
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